Allbirds Shopping Flow

Creative Strategy and UX/UI Design


Our Role

Design Rocket redesigned Allbirds core shopping experience to shift the website to better accommodate a growing product line.  We drove holistic changes to enhance and optimize the full shopping funnel to better drive a purchase decision, including landing pages, the global navigation, and product collections.

The Challenge

Allbirds launched a single product the Wool Runner, taking the market by storm with the first comfortable and sustainable product. Over the last three years, not only has the popularity of Allbirds increased, but also their product offerings to 10+ shoe style, socks and underwear, and playful accessories in 4 different sustainable materials. As the offering grew, the website needed to adapt to best showcase new products and guide users to find the right product, while not losing sight of the Allbirds sustainability mission. We partnered with Allbirds in 2019, to rethink the eCommerce web experience.


We redesigned the full shopping flow including: the global navigation, sub navigation, product collections, and campaign landing web and mobile web pages. 

Through a series of user research involving exercises such as card sorts and user interviews, we found that users primarily shop by the product style, rather than color or material. This led to transforming the navigation from a material-first display to a style-first categorization and display of products. In addition to matching the user mental model, this also allowed for a greater number of products to actually fit and be showcased in the navigation.

On Collection pages we added easy access to cross-category products to encourage discovery. Stories about the production and benefits of new Allbirds materials were embedded into the collection pages to educate users and help them make an informed decision. 

Rather than a truly responsive experience, we designed solutions that were catered specifically to mobile and web to solve for different behaviors. For mobile, to accommodate the smaller screen size, we kept cognitive load low, by breaking the shopping flow into easy steps to make easy decision and get users to their ideal product.

